I love the Oscars. It's a bit of a holiday in my family and I miss watching them with my dad and sister, but Adam has become a faithful viewer, even if he drifts off towards the middle.
I know my list is incomplete, because I haven't seen everything, notably Frost/Nixon. I did pretty well though and spent countless hundreds on babysitters to do it. That's movie love for you.
Here it is:
1. Milk — Loved. It. A nearly perfect biography of a fascinating man.
2. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
3. Slumdog Millionaire — The hype has actually made me rethink this one, but I was so charmed by it when I first saw it, that it stays in the Top 5.
4. The Visitor — I think it somewhat over-simplified a very complicated issue, but the tenderness and heart make that aspect relatively unimportant.
5. WALL-E — Always makes me teary and I've seen it 20 times. The soft-shoe that WALL-E does with the hub cap especially. I love those damn robots.
6. Vicki Cristina Barcelona — ScarJo sucks, but everyone else is perfect and the scenery is gorgeous. My favorite Woody Allen since Sweet and Lowdown.
7. The Wrestler — This could probably be higher on the list, but here it is. The Mickey Rourke/Randy the Ram meld is something to behold.
8. The Dark Knight — So much more than a comic book movie. Mainly though, if I don't put it within the Top 10, Jeff Labrecque will ban me from ever seeing his wife and children again.
9. The Reader — I adore Kate Winslet in nearly everything, but his was an odd character in a movie with a strange point of view, but it definitely had me thinking.
10. Rachel Getting Married — I was very surprised this one got so much attention. I thought Rosemarie Dewitt's hair was the best part of the movie. Also, the wedding scenes were moving.
11. Tropic Thunder — Biggest movie disappointment of the year for me. I was bored and didn't laugh but a few times.
Happy Oscar Night!